About Us
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Evan Barba Associate Professor Systemic Design Interactive Computing Extended Reality | J.R. Osborn Associate Professor Media Theory and Practice History of Technology Design Semiotics |
Evan knows the power and possibility of iteration firsthand. Over decades of experimentation with an extensive range of material and conceptual tools in science, art, technology and media, he has used iteration as a method and mindset to transcend domains and unite ideas in improbable ways. His love of life-long learning has led him to projects in outer space, the human brain, the virtual and physical worlds, and nearly everything in-between. He brings this wide array of experiences to bear upon clients’ issues to quickly find connections, generate deep insights, and develop multidimensional solutions. | J.R. firmly believes that the best ideas deepen, expand, and develop through dialogue. He is a fan of “ad hoc iteration” (the rapid exploration of multiple speculations and possibilities), and he applies this method to discover uncharted terrain (both intellectually and experientially). J.R. has written books on museums and type history, overseen a variety of remix, design, and media projects, ridden freight trains, canoed the Mississippi, and participated in more than a few dance battles. He is fascinated by semiotics, writing systems, and all forms of diagrams. |
The CCT Studio Lab
A group of students led by Professor Barba, who meet every week and discuss individual projects, brainstorm solutions, and work on fun stuff together. Let us know if you’re interested in joining.
MA in Communication, Culture & Technology, Georgetown University
The Communication, Culture & Technology (CCT) Master’s Program is Georgetown’s flagship interdisciplinary Master of Arts Program. Since 1996, we have been studying the impact of technology on society, and society on technology. Click here to learn more about the program, our projects and research.